These Educational Websites provide a wealth of information and educational experiences for students. Please remember that the Geneva Area City Schools Website is not responsible for non-Geneva Area City School websites. Sites maintained by outside organizations may be changed without notice to the Geneva Area City Schools Website. When last reviewed, the websites linked from the Geneva Area City Schools Website were suitable to visit, but that may have changed. If you have any difficulties or concerns with any linked materials, please let us know.
NASA offers the "NASA Kids Club," an interactive section of the NASA website where you can learn about space and what it's like to be an astronaut. The games are actually fun and you learn about science. Even Buzz Lightyear makes an appearance in a game where you help him prepare to head out into space.
Nature and Animals
This website has amazing images and explanations of animals and places on earth for you to explore. They also have interactive sections like an online coloring book and a games section. The games section is very cool, with one game where you race a turtle in a scene that will remind you of the movie, Finding Nemo.
And when you are done playing games, you can go back to reading stories or learning about animals on the other sections of National Geographic kids site.
Early Childhood Development
Early Childhood Development
PBS for kids is PBS Kids Go! for you older kids and PBS also offers "PBS Kids" for you younger kids. Both websites provide content that's both entertaining and educational.
The wide collection of really cool games on the PBS Kids site will keep you learning for hours. You will learn about living green, history and just about every other subject.
San Francisco Symphony has an impressive website, SFS Kids Fun With Music. There are all kinds of really cool activities for you at this site. An example is the "The Music Lab," where you can learn about tempo, rhythm, pitch and other aspects of music through an awesome interactive game. As you adjust the music, you can watch the metronome and listen to the music being played to learn about how the various elements of sound come together to make beautiful music.
At Funbrain you will have fun learning through interactive games like Grammar Gorillas and Math Baseball. You’ll also find Web books and comics, like Diary of a Wimpy Kid (nominated for a Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Award) and Amelia Writes Again. If you want to build you brainpower, go to Funbrain.
If you are beginning to read or want to brush-up on your beginning reading skills is full of fun activities. Interactive, dancing ABC's sing about their names and phonetic sounds while colorful creatures act out online stories. Many stories and activities are arranged by themes, such as holidays, animals, seasons, and family. Multiple choice story wizards provide opportunities for you to make hundreds of interesting stories.
There are also activities, lessons, and online books for established readers. You'll find plays, comics, Greek myths, Fables, fiction, and nonfiction.
Social Studies
Time for Kids
If you love reading the news, or if you'd like to read current events for kids, you must visit Time for Kids. Sponsored by Time magazine, this site offers two versions, one for kids and one for parents or teachers. You can read entertaining interviews with kid celebrities as well as informative pieces on the environment and other countries.
Infohio is a virtual K-12 library of quality electronic resources that support and enrich student learning. These resources are free to all students, teachers, and parents. Home access is available with a username and password that may be obtained from the school library.
Channel One News is a television news network for teens whose goal is to make news relevant and engaging for teens and to spark discussion on important issues facing today’s youth.
Channel One’s website features interesting stories on breaking news and in-depth issues that affect the world, nation, and especially, American teenagers.
Cyberteens is a website that features games, news, and shopping as well as links to other sites of interest to teens. There is also a “creativity” section where teens can share stories, poems, artwork, and photos.
This site offers credible, unbiased, and easy to understand explanations of how the world really works. Topics span car engines to search engines, cell phones to stem cells, and lots in between. In addition to the articles, there are graphics and videos that take viewers through each topic clearly, simply, and objectively. The premise of How Stuff Works is simple: “Demystify the world and do it in a simple, clear-cut way that anyone can understand.”
Teen Ink is a website devoted to teenage writing, art, photos, and forums. Students must be age 13-19 to participate, register and/or submit work. Teens are offered the opportunity to publish creative works and opinions on issues that affect their lives. Works are also published in a magazine and book formats.
IPL2 is the world’s largest public library on the Internet. It is a free, authoritative collection of professionally evaluated resources organized by subject to assist teens in several areas of interest. Reference service is also available to users.
This site is the official web page of the Nobel Prize where information can be found on every prize awarded since 1901. There are biographies, lectures, interviews, photos and much more related to the Nobel Laureates and the prize.
K-12 students, parents and teachers can use Science Buddies to quickly locate information.
The award-winning, non-profit Science Buddies empowers K-12 students, parents, and teachers to quickly and easily find free project ideas and help in all areas of science from physics to food science and music to microbiology. Whether your goal is to find a fun science activity for your kids or win the international science fair, puts comprehensive, scientist-authored tools, tips, and techniques at your fingertips.