District Strategic Plan
Feb. 2020 - Update # 1 (for the Strategic Plan - see below)
Strategic Plan Update Number One Feb. 2020
The Geneva Area City School District completed a Strategic Plan over this past year. It was approved by the Geneva Board of Education in August 2019. The Strategic Plan document was the culmination of many long hours and countless discussions by various school personnel, community members and students.
The Geneva Schools' community supported the district with the passage of the School District Income Tax which provided necessary funds for operations. During that time, the District promised to complete a Strategic Plan to share the District's focus and plan with our community and stakeholders. The plan will guide the District's decisions over the next three years (2019 - 2022).
Beginning with the current school year, the Geneva Area City Schools has been able to begin restoring past reductions. Included this year was full transportation, elementary art, middle school band. and other positions and resources. The District will continue to look at other restorations as we move forward in the coming years.
The Strategic Plan focuses on the following areas:
Page 1 - Mission, Vision, Beliefs and Strategic Objectives
Communication - Pages 2 - 8 of the plan document
Curriculum and Instruction - Pages 9 - 16 of the plan document
Culture and Climate - Pages 17 - 33 of the plan document
Facilities - Pages 34 - 37 of the plan document
Finance - Pages 38 - 40 of the plan document
Technology - Pages 41 - 43 of the plan document
Each area used a template which identified the following items
*Listed in column headings - starting from left to right
Strategies ( Tasks)
Due Date
Person(s) responsible - Lead , implement and support
Note: As items are in process or being completed - updates will be provided to share the "Status" with our community.
Click below to see the complete Geneva Area City Schools Strategic Plan
GACS Strategic Plan 19_22.pdf
Click below to see the attachment for the 3 year Investment and 3 Year "End of Life" Replacement document proposed by the Technology Action Planning Team for the Strategic Plan (page 43)
3 year TECHNOLOGY Investment and Replacement p.43. pdf