Geneva News

We need your help!  Now is the time to write, email, or call our Ohio Representatives and State Senators to express the need to get a school funding plan completed.  Representative Bob Cupp and Representative John Patterson proposed a plan and HB 305 will have upcoming hearings.  The House and Senate Finance Committees will hear testimony in the coming weeks.  I have attached a list of key contacts for both committees.  (*see below)  

The Cupp-Patterson plan attempts to more fairly split local and state funding shares and to factor in the cost of educating a child and a community's ability to help pay for the cost.  The changes proposed in the Cupp-Patterson plan are needed to help address an achievement gap that correlates to poverty and to untangle the complicated funding patchwork that has evolved since Ohio's school-funding system was found unconstitutional in the DeRolph case in 1997.

The plan includes extra support for needs such as special education and educating children in poverty.  Ohio schools and students deserve better! 

Here are some key points that could be included in your communication.  The current funding formula is seriously flawed. Actually, it’s not even functioning as a formula.  Over many years, “patches” have been applied to try and fix what is broken.  It’s time to “fix” funding not patch it!

The bi-partisan Ohio Fair School Funding Plan is designed to get school funding right! It is guided by the following principles…

=       A funding plan should be rational, understandable and transparent.

=       The plan should be based on actual costs to educate Ohio students in the 21st century.

=       A plan should eliminate artificial “caps” on formula driven funding increases.

=       The plan should reduce the number of districts on artificial “guarantees”.

=       A system should respect local control.


Ohio students need our help and specific critical needs should be addressed…

=       Providing basic instructional resources;

=       Add funds for poverty and mental health;

=       Help special needs, gifted and English learners;

=       Improve school safety and security;

=       Invest in Career Tech Centers, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) skills, and Educational Service Centers.

Key Contacts for the Ohio House of Representatives and the Ohio Senate 2.pdf