
It's National School Bus Safety Week. Be sure to "thank" your bus driver this week:)

Bus safety tips to protect children

Here are some rules for students to follow while riding the bus, from the Ohio Department of Education.

On the way to the bus:

  • Be Alert. Arrive at your stop at least five minutes early.
  • Obey all traffic lights and signals.
  • Plan to walk with schoolmates when possible and face traffic.
  • When crossing streets, always cross at crosswalks and intersections.
  • Look both ways before crossing the street.

At the bus stop:

  • Stand back from the curb or road at least three steps.
  • Don’t push or shove when entering or exiting and always use the steps and hand rail.
  • Always obey the bus driver and wait for the driver’s signal before crossing.
  • Always cross at least 10 feet in front of the school bus.
  • Never crawl under the bus. If you drop something under the bus, notify the bus driver.

When riding the bus:

  • Take your seat quietly and quickly. Remain seated while the bus is moving.
  • Keep your feet on the floor and never extend your hands, arms, head or any object out the window of the bus.
  • Talk in a quiet voice, be courteous to the driver and schoolmates and try not to distract the driver through misbehavior.