Geneva Area City Schools
Cork Elementary
2nd Semester Edition 2024-2025
Contact Us: 440-466-4831 ext 5001 and 5004 Listen to the options to report an absence.
Find out information at: Cork PTO Facebook page, Classroom DOJO certain teachers use this, PTO meetings, The Cork Chronicle, robocalls/texts, check your students book bag nightly and their planner if in grades 3-5. * The Geneva website is difficult to add information into so it doesn’t get regular use.
Import Dates/Events
Calendar of Events 2024-2025
Date | Event |
January | Character Trait: Perseverance |
6 | Return to school after winter break |
13 | PTO Meeting 3:30 pm |
13 | Student Council Spirit Day: NO HOMEWORK Monday! |
14 | Student Council Spirit Day: Mismatch Day ( Don’t match your clothes) |
15 | Student Council Spirit Day: Snowman vs Candy Cane Day- Wear all white or dress in red and white |
16 | Student Council Spirit Day: PJ Day |
16 | Slime U Assembly/End of the 9 weeks |
17 | No School- Records Day |
20 | No School Dr. Martin Luther King Day |
23 | 4th grade field trip to A-Tech |
24 | Report Cards sent home |
29 | No School Professional Development |
February | Character Trait: Courage |
4-7 | Bookfair |
6 | Rope Warrior Assembly |
5 | P/T Conferences 4:30-8:00 pm |
10 | PTO Meeting 3:30 pm |
13 | P/T Conferences 4:30-8:00 pm |
14 | Valentine’s Day parties |
17 | No School- Presidents Day |
28 | Progress Reports on Parent Access |
Ohio State Testing Grades 3-5
ELA | 3-5 | APRIL 9 | APRIL 10 |
MATH | 3-5 | APRIL 16 | APRIL 17 |
SCIENCE | 5 | APRIL 23 | APRIL 24 |
Please mark your calendars. Attendance on testing dates is vital. Please be mindful when scheduling family outings. Thank you.
Career Visits:
4th Grade: 4th grade students will be visiting A-Tech on January 23rd to experience first hand various programs offered at A-tech. This experience helps to broaden our students' thoughts on career choices and interests. It is also their first involvement as to what A-Tech is all about. Hopefully, the visit will spark a desire to attend this fine school in the future.
5th Grade: Our 5th grade students were visited by UH Hospitals representatives from Community Outreach Radiology, Nursing, and Occupational/Physical Therapy departments. The students were immersed in what each department is responsible for. Also, what one might encounter while working in the particular field. The presenters also connected current learning to what is needed as a radiologist, a nurse etc. The presenters stressed that math and technology are academic areas to focus on.
Student Council Spirit Days:
Monday, January 13th- NO HOMEWORK MONDAY (classroom teacher’s discretion) Student Council is listening to their constituents. 🙂
Tuesday, January 14th- Mismatch Day ( Don’t match your clothes)
Wednesday, January 15th- Snowman vs Candy Cane Day (wear all white or dress in red and white)
Thursday, January 16th - PJ Day
Breakfast: Breakfast is served from 8:25-8:45am. If you are dropping off your child please have them here before 8:45 am in order to have breakfast.
Dress for the Weather: Students go out to recess unless the temperature is 15 degrees actual or windchill. If students do not wear a coat and the temperature is cold or windy, they will stay in. On snowy days, please have snow pants or your child runs the risk of getting wet from walking around in the snow. If it is raining, students stay in for inside recess. We use The Weather Channel as our guide for the temperature.
Student Council Officers:
Treasurer: Mr. Tripp Hocking
Secretary: Mr. Lincoln Veon
Vice President: Miss Melody Baker
President: Miss Shelby Cinco
Congratulations to all!
Morning Drop Off: Miss Jen and Mrs. Doherty are out with the morning pick up line. Once cars start to thin out, we will be standing closer to the main entrance as the wind is brutal this time of year. We are still monitoring but out of the wind.
Bookmobile: The Ashtabula County Bookmobile is making a stop at Cork Elementary again this year. The Bookmobile services grades 2-5. They provide classroom books for grades K-1. Dates: January 24th, February 28th, April 25th, May 23rd.
End of the Day Pick Up: Please do not call your child to your car if you see them waiting. With 2 lanes of traffic moving, we like to be in control of when the students get into their car. It is a dance between knowing which cars are loaded and pulling out and who needs to cross the curb lane. If your child darts out in front of a car that is ready to move, it could be dangerous.
It helps everyone if students understand their day and how they will be getting home before they leave for school. We do not take phone calls to change transportation arrangements. Classroom notes to teachers provide the best and safest communication for your child.
We require all changes be in writing.
Send a note to your child’s teacher when normal schedules or routines are changed due to:
• Change in transportation home.
• Release from gym class, recess or another activity.
• Change in medication.
• Absence or tardiness. (if a note or medical excuse is not sent, your child will be considered truant)
• Change in, living arrangements, or babysitter.
The K-5 Student Handbook is available online. Pay particular attention to dress code guidelines and the conduct code. Please let us know if you require a paper copy.
Drills: By law public schools are required to perform monthly safety drills: Fire, Tornado and Lock Down. A Lock Down does not mean there is an active shooter. There are many different scenarios that require the use of a Lock Down.
Cell Phone usage: Students are to keep their phone in their book bag turned off. Please do not advise your child to call or text during the day. Their phone will be confiscated.
Medications are distributed by prescription only and require the signature of a parent and physician on a Geneva Schools Medication Form. Medications may not be transported by bus. Parents or guardians will need to check in their medicine with the nurse or office staff.
Party Dates:
Feb. 14th. Valentine's Day Party! Parties start at 1:30pm.
Progress Reports posted on Parent Access:
February 28, 2025
May 9, 2025
Report Cards sent home and posted on Parent Access:
January 24, 2025
April 4, 2025
June 10. 2025