School Code Number: 362-275
Mr. Michael King, Principal
Mr. Joshua Chenoweth, Assistant Principal
John Mansky and Kimberly DeBacker, Senior Guidance Counselors
2 Administrators
2 Counselors
40 Classroom Teachers
Average years of experience - 15
Advanced Degrees - 52%
(Masters Degree or Higher)
The Geneva Area City School District is a combination of small-town, village and rural setting fifty miles east of Cleveland. With a population of 6,700 citizens, Geneva is the largest municipality in the district.
The community is truly the foundation of its school system, as is evident by the community's long tradition of supporting the schools. The Geneva Schools serve not only students but a rich and diverse community.
School Facts
Total Enrollment - 635
Grades included - 9-12
Size of Senior Class - 163
15% Vocational Students
Per Pupil Expenditure - $8,525.22
Grades are based on semesters. The grade point average is computed for all subjects on a 4.3 scale. Weighted grades are given for advanced placement courses by adding 0.50 quality point. Students who have earned a 3.50 or better are placed on the Honor Roll. Students who have earned 3.0-3.49 for every nine weeks are placed on the Merit Roll.
Program of Studies
Advanced Placement: Highly challenging courses with expectations that students will work independently and demonstrate high levels of critical and analytical thinking, reading and writing.
College Preparatory: Courses which demand high levels of cognitive and problem-solving processes. A rigorous instructional pace allows for both curricular depth and enrichment.
Regular: Courses that provide instruction to develop skills in reading and writing, reasoning, higher-level thinking, and computation. These courses ready students for college work as well as other post-secondary avenues.
CBI: Courses in Career Based Intervention are available for at-risk students. Basic study skills and exposure to the world of work are presented to students enrolled in these classes.
Technical and Career: Students can enroll in career technical courses offered at the Ashtabula County Technical and Career Campus (A-TECH).
Advanced Placement
Advanced placement courses are offered in:
American History
Am. Gov't & Politics
Graduation Requirements
Subject | Credit |
English | 4 |
Social Studies | 3 |
Science | 3 |
Mathematics | 4 |
Phys. Ed. | 5 |
Health | 5 |
Electives | 6 |
Total | 21 |
A passing score on all five sections of
The Ohio Graduation Test.