Final Forms - Registration Information for Parents
Final Forms Registration
The Final Forms modules houses all of the demographic and athletic information for our students. This module is where parents change any pertinent demographic information. Emergency Medical Authorization Forms must be completed each year in this module. Sports forms will be completed on this form. Documents such as proof of residency, birth certificate, custody document, immunizations, sports physicals, etc., can be uploaded to your profile.
Parents must create an account in the module. Parent accounts can only be issued to Custodial Parents/Guardians. If you are having issues creating your account or have questions about Final Forms, please email All Final Form questions will be answered through email and be responded to as quickly as possible.
Final Forms Link:
IMPORTANT: All 7th grade students are required to submit current vaccination records. These documents can be uploaded to Final Forms as well. If you have any questions, please contact Kristi Byrnes, school nurse, at or 440-466-4831 Ext. 2005.