16 End of 2nd Quarter
16 Skate Night - 6-8
17 No School
20 No School
24 Report Cards
31 Winter Wonderland Ball 6-8
4 PTO Meeting - 3:30
12 P/T Conferences-4:30-8:00
12 Field Trip to James A. Garfield
Historical Site-(1/2 students)
13 Field Trip to James A. Garfield
Historical Site (1/2 students)
12 Interims given at Conferences
17 No School
18 P/T Conferences-4:30-8:00
18 Interims given at Conferences
19 Remaining Interims sent home
3 PTO Meeting - 3:30
20 End of 3rd Quarter
23-27 No School
3 Report Cards
10 No School
13 No School
Welcome to my classroom website. I will be updating the contents of this page throughout the year. Please look for important dates at school and the concepts being discussed in math as well as spelling lists. Please take the time to read these items as they will help make for a successful school year. I hope you will find the information useful. If you should have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school or you may email me at
Please also consider joining my Remind group to receive important announcements and math homework notices. Simply send a text message to 81010 and in the message type #acc048. Within a few seconds, you will receive a text back. I will begin using this resource in the first week of school.
Click on the links below to see the daily topic(s) and work being done in each math class or spelling. Spelling lists can be found by clicking on the spelling link below. This will be updated frequently to accurately reflect the work done in each class. For important classroom news or announcements, please click on that link.