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More information will be added to this NEW Article in the future:  

There has been a change in the district calendar due to the upcoming 2nd Vaccination Clinic at GHS.  The 2nd clinic for employees of Geneva Schools will take place on Thursday, March 25, 2021.  Due to the clinic and high probability that some employees may have some adverse reactions or become ill, some changes have been made to the schedule.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021 - THIS DAY WILL BE A REGULAR SCHOOL DAY FOR ALL IN-PERSON STUDENTS.  Transportation will run their regular routes. Breakfast and lunch will be served at the schools and also available at the normal pick-up times. 

Thursday, March 25, 2021 - 2nd Vaccination Clinic for Geneva Schools - THERE WILL BE NO IN-PERSON CLASSES FOR STUDENTS ON THIS DAY.  THIS WILL BE A REMOTE LEARNING DAY FOR ALL STUDENTS AS THE 3RD NINE WEEK GRADING PERIOD WILL BE CONCLUDING.  Assignments and other resources will be posted by your child's teacher(s).  

Friday, March 26, 2021 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS AND STAFF - Due to the high probability of employees having some side effects or other issue, the district will use a calamity day for 3/26/21.  The District has consulted with other school districts, health departments and medical professionals to make its determination.  We do not believe we would have the ability to fill positions in transportation, classrooms, cafeteria and others to operate in a normal manner.  We appreciate your support and understanding.