ACT Testing For the Class of 2022

State law requires districts and community schools to administer the state-funded ACT or SAT to all grade 11 students in the spring of the school year.

Geneva is scheduled to take the ACT on Wednesday, March 10th.  

The building will be open at 7:00 AM. Students should report to the testing rooms at 7:45 AM. Testing should be finished by 11:30 AM.  Testing room assignments will be posted in the cafeteria, English classrooms, and POD Classrooms. Students that have questions should email Mr. Mansky or stop by the Guidance Office. 

Students may use any 4-function, scientific, or graphing calculator, as long as it is not on the prohibited list. Examinees are encouraged to use a familiar calculator, but all problems may be solved without a calculator. Calculators may only be used on the mathematics test.  TI-83 and TI-84 are approved.  Please visit the ACT web site to find a list of prohibited calculators.

Students please make sure you have visited to verify your account. If you do not already have one select “Create MyAct Account” and create one. 

Testing for Atech students will take place at ATECH on a date determined by Atech.