Nice job! As the father of a 3rd grader and a webmaster, I envy the quality and involvement of your website. Your community and the students are very lucky.
Thank you.
Jeff Nelson

The Austinburg Elementary web site has been reviewed and chosen to bear the 2001-2002 Golden Web Award.

Thank you for making a great contribution to education online.
Scarlett Lawrence
Projects Manager
Teaching and Learning for Life

We have reviewed your school, site, and found Austinburg Elementary to be an excellent addition to our
directory. A Division of T.H.E.

Congratulations! Your site has been selected for MidLink Magazine's honorary list of Cool Schools. From literally thousands of school web pages, we select only the best. We feel your site sets a good example for other schools and will be most useful to the thousands of teachers and students who read MidLink Magazine each day. Thank you for maintaining an exemplary web site and making the web a better place for students and teachers to learn!
Caroline McCullen, Instructional Technologist
MidLink Magazine