4 Blocks Goodies
All kinds of goodies for teachers using 4 Blocks.
4 Kids
A weekly feature published in newspapers all over North America and at this site. It is designed for kids (and their parents) to find fun, educational, and safe spots to visit on the World Wide Web.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff - FREE online lesson plans, lesson plan ideas and activities, thematic units, printables, themes, teaching tips, articles, and educational resources
ABC Teach
Free Printables: 5000+ free printable pages and worksheets.
Interactive activities by grade, K-5
Alphabet Soup
Alphabet Soup is a site for the young and the "young at heart'!
You can ask a question and search for answers
Search Scholastic Book Wizard for children's books from all publishers by reading level and grade levels. Level books in classroom library by Guided Reading, DRA, Lexile(R) levels.
Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site
Reviews and teaching ideas for kids' books.
Carl's Corner
This site is a great collection of teacher resources.
Center School District
SMART Board TemplatesCHADDinformation about ADD/ADHD
Children's Book Council
This site has a great section on authors and illustrators.
CIESE (Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education)
Click on Collaborative Internet Projects
Concept to Classroom A Series of Workshops
A series of FREE, self-paced workshops covering a wide variety of hot topics in education.
An online graphics generator for web pages
Cybraryman's Educational Web Sites
Lots of links for teachers
Debbie's Unit Factory
Quality elementary level theme units for teachers and homeschoolers.
Discipline without Stress, Punishment, or Rewards: Dr. Marvin Marshall
Introduces the Raise Responsibility System by Dr. Marshall
DLTK cards
Make your own certificates, bingo cards, bookmarks, calendars, etc.
Dr. Jean Songs and Activities for Young Children
Songs and activities
e-Learning for Kids
Interactive activities for all grade levels and subjects
edu Techer
Wow! Click on Explore valuable web tools and resources
Everything for Education K - 12
Education World
Has curriculum, sites, lesson plans in all subjects, technology in the classroom, message boards, grants
Education World's Safe search
The Educator's Best Friend. Surfing is over. Here you will find the best education links and original content the Net has to offer.
Free Certificate Creator
Create and print certificates for school, work or fun!
Fuel the Brain
Printables, interactive activities, and games for interactive whiteboards
Fun Brain
Learning games for Preschool-Grade 12; (The Quiz Lab, where teachers can create online quizzes, is no longer a free service, however.)
Global School House
Click on Projects Registry
Holidays on the Net
Your Source for Holiday Celebrations on the World Wide Web.
I Love That Teaching Idea!
Ideas and hundreds of free worksheets and reproducible for all subjects
Helping teachers use the Internet --links and tutorials for learning applications
Internet Public Library Youth Division search engine
Search Engine
K-2 Language Arts
SMART Board Lessons
K-2 Math
SMART Board Lessons
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators
A categorized, annotated list of over 1600 sites to help educators enhance instruction.
Khan Academy
The videos are short and to the point. They have one for almost every math concept, at all different levels. You can use them in your classroom as an introduction, for preteaching, for small groups, etc. You could also inform parents about them to use at home for help on homework
A search engine that contains sites and categories that are of interest to children. The site contains over 20,000 child-safe sites and over 4000 categories.
search engine for kids
Web search engine for kids by librarians
LD Online
All about learning disabilities
Learning Page.com
Downloadable worksheets, books, lesson plans, etc. (free membership to this site)
Lesson Plans Page for Math
Lesson plans for math
1,000+ free lesson plans in math, social studies, art, language arts, music, PE, reading, writing, geography, and science
Marcia's Lesson Links
Tons of links for teachers lessons, resources, information, etc.
The Best Educational Resources on the Web all in One Place!
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Resources, lessons, and activities for K-12
Ohio Department of Education Page
Reports from the Ohio State Department of Education.
This Web site from the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) features companion Web sites for more than 250 PBS programs and specials, as well as seven online neighborhoods that aggregate content by genre and interest.
Personal Educational Press
Can make bingo boards, flashcards, word puzzles, etc.
Pete's Powerpoints
Powerpoint presentation for all areas of the curriculum
All about the latest in children's literature
Portland Public Schools Leveled Books Lists
Trade books are leveled by grade level and Reading Recovery level
Teacher or students can create puzzles of increasing difficulty
Create 12 types of games and two types of quizzes or take advantage of those others have created; can also create a simple class page (You must log in.This is now a subscription-only site.)
Homework help, learning activities, games, and puzzles
This site has tons of downloadable leveled books, guided reading lesson plans, worksheets, decodable books, phonics flashcards, alphabets books, etc. There are 30 free books, but the others are subscription only. It's worth a look.
Interactive Whiteboard Activities
Lessons plans, activities for kids; usually features current topics
School Express
Has games, lesson plans, worksheets to download (This a membership site but many things are still free.)
A site where you can create your own simple web page for communicating with students/parents including making flashcards for your students to access
Sites for Teachers
Pages and pages of links for teachers
SMART Board Resources
SMART Board Resources
SMART Exchange
Find lesson plans and connect with teachers
The SMART Way to Teach
SMART Board Lessons for Kindergarten
Online games that teachers can generate, worksheets, etc.
Lots of products to download for free including masks and props for stories
Starfall has interactive books and word games for long and short vowels; you can order materials to go along with the activities.
Stenhouse Publishing
Many professional books to read online
The Study Stack
An interesting place to create flashcards
Super Teacher Worksheets
Thousands of printable worksheets
Click on Educational tools to make math worksheets
Teaching is a Work of Heart
Wonderful site for primary teachers with unites, links, information, etc.
Teacher Tipster
A lot of tips and songs and some printables delivered by a teacher in a silly format.
The Teacher's Corner
Lesson plans, worksheets, collaborative projects, penpals, etc.
Teachers Helping Teachers
This great site features lesson plans, poems, stress reducers, and educational links.
Teachers Love SMART Boards
Sign up for his newsletter!
Teachers Net
Includes mailings, chat boards, chat, lesson plans, a professional journal, and lots more
Teacher Tools
Bulletin boards, lesson plans, message boards, curriculum, forms, and letters
Lesson plans, rubrics, worksheets, worksheets maker, etc. This is a subscription site, but they offer many free things.
Tequipment's Educator Resource Center
Free registration to download the great notebook files
Great site to make online multiple choice quizzes in any subject area or math tests
A great site that provides high-quality standards-based Internet content and professional development for K-2 teachers and students in all areas of the curriculum
Lots of free worksheets for all subjects by grade level
Interactive Whiteboard Resources
Word Game Boards
Ready-made games and game boards to print out including a link to Powerpoint games
Worksheet Works (beta)
Create worksheets for English language, handwriting, math, geography, etc.
This web-based utility will allow you to create a lesson, worksheet or class page on the World Wide Web.
You Can Handle Them All
Discipline advice for 117 different misbehaviors
Free file conversion (e.g. converting a YouTube video for use in your classroom)