We will be starting the school year studying weather and seasons. These Units start in the middle of the  textbook C and D. The science unit will correlate to the first theme in the reading series Nature's Furry. I will work on finding websites and book suggestions for your child.


  • Monday

  • Tuesday

  • Wednesday

  • Thursday

  • Friday

*We prefer students do not buy/use large trappers, as they take up lots of space in lockers and classrooms. Individual folders work fine for organizing papers.

Notebook paper
(at least 2 packs of college rule)

Five(5) spiral notebooks - (1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 red, 1 green ) for class & 1 any color for library

Standard # 2 pencils (mechanical pencils optional)

Five 2-pocket folders with prongs: 1 - red, 1 - green, 1- yellow, 1 - blue, and 1 - orange

1 composition notebook

Please consider donating the following supplies: Pencils, paper, spirals, cap erasers, sandwich bags, gallon bags, and post-its

2 Dry erase markers (1 black and 1 any other color) and a sock for eraser

1 box of 24 count crayons or 1 box colored pencils

Four book covers (grocery bags will work)

1 Supply/crayon zip pouch

1 container of antibacterial wipes

1 pair of scissors

1 Elmer's Glue (4 oz. is adequate) and 1 regular size glue stick

2 Boxes of facial tissue

2 packs of note cards

1 blue and 1 red pen