AAA Math
Hundreds of pages of interactive math practice pages for grades K-8
A+ Math
This web site was developed to help students improve their math skills interactively. In the game room play exciting games like Matho and Hidden Picture... Try out the new Math Word Find puzzle. Create and print your own set of flashcards online! Try out the Flashcard Creator. See the Worksheets section, where you can print worksheets to practice offline. Try the Homework Helper to check your homework solutions.
ABC ya!
Interactive activities by grade, K-5
BBC Numeracy Games
Number games
Brain Teasers
This site presents Brain Teasers for several age groups.
Cash Register Game
Funbrain Change Maker is an educational game where the player must calculate the change given for purchase.
Cool Math 4 Kids
An amusement park of math and more designed especially for fun!
Create a Graph
Create an area graph, bar graph, line graph, or pie chart online
Houghton Mifflin's Math-a-Rama
Online brain teasers, eManipulatives, eGames, etc. by grade level
Part of the NCTM site that provides Internet resources--i-Maths (online, interactive, multimedia math investigations) and e-Math Investigations (interactive math applets with suggestions for student activities)
Interactive Hundreds Chart
Students can put in the multiple they want shaded on the chart
IXL provides unlimited practice in more than 4,000 math and English topics. An adaptive learning system features games and awards, inspiring students to achieve.
Johnnie's Math Page
Links to interactive math tools
Learn Online Count Us In
15 games to help children understand basic number concepts
Lesson Corner
Create your own worksheets for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, time, etc.
Create good quality math worksheets for many math skills
Math Baseball
Fun game teaches addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and elementary algebra. For children of all ages and grades.
Math Cats
An idea bank for teachers and many, many games/activities for younger and older students
Math Magician Games
Online addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division speed tests
Math Playground
Word problems, math games, logic games, printable math worksheets for all levels:
Math Websites
Online games aligned to the common core by grade level.
A collection of ways to teach various math skills.
Math Forum @ Drexel
This site features activities and lesson plans for elementary math teachers and students
Math Lessons are Fun, fun, Fun!
Online math games and activities.
Math Goodies
Math Goodies is a free educational web site featuring interactive math lessons, homework help, worksheets, puzzles, message boards, and more! There are over 400 pages of free math activities and resources for teachers, students, parents, and homeschoolers.
The Math Forum
This great math site has Ask Dr. Math, Problem of the Week, games, student showcase reference shelf, activities, and activities.
Problem-solving for ages 7-9
Multimedia Math Glossary
Math terms by grade level--children can listen to the word and see a demonstration of it
Activities, games, worksheets to help teach the multiplication facts.
Ohio Resource Center
Math (also science and reading) activities
Primary Games
Primary math games
Primary Resources
Downloadable flash math games
Quia! Mathematics Activities
Mathematics games, mathematics quizzes, mathematics activities, number, numbers, whole numbers, fraction, fractions, whole number, rounding, estimation, decimal, decimals, geometry, calculus, trig, trigonometry, algebra, pre-algebra, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, add, subtract, multiply, divide, measurement, vocabulary, vocab terms, equations, solving
SuperKids Math Worksheet Creator
Create your own math worksheets
The U.S.Mint for Kids
Games and information about our money.
Time for Time
Create your own time worksheets or print out pre-made worksheets
Woodlands Maths Zone
Interactive math games for 7-11 year olds
XP Math
Mr. Hui's XP Math features free math games aligned to Common Core State Standards: Number Sense and Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, and Data Analysis and Probability.