Mrs. Howard

Pocket Folder
Pencil Box
Box of 24 Regular Sized Crayons
6 Glue Sticks
Box of Cheerios or Fruit Loops Cereal (generic is fine)
Pack of #2 pencils
Box of Kleenex
Headphones for computer lab
CLOTHING: In the winter, please dress your child in layers so he/she can adjust to the warmth of the room as well as the cold outside.
RECESS: Children go outside after lunch each day. Boots, hats, and mittens are needed during the winter season.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Students need tennis shoes, and girls should wear slacks on gym day.
LUNCH MONEY: Lunch with milk is $2.50, and milk alone is 50 cents for white or chocolate. You may send money needed for the week on your child’s first day. Please put the money or check in an envelope with your child’s name and kindergarten class, and designate its use, such as the number of days for hot lunch, milk only, etc. Please make checks payable to Austinburg Cafeteria.
SCHOOL PAPERS: When your child brings home papers, go over them with him or her. Ask your child questions about what he/she has done, such as: What letter is that?; What does that say?; What number is that?; etc.
STUDENT DISMISSAL: Parental permission must be received for any change in a child’s normal dismissal procedure. If you are planning to pick your child up after class, a signed note must be sent with your child. The school must also receive a signed note if your child is to get on or off the bus at a location other than his/her own house. Permission slips will be issued by the school office upon receiving your note.
STUDENT ABSENCES: The school is required by law to check on student absenteeism. Please inform the office prior to projected absences or late arrival due to doctor/dentist appointments, vacations, etc. Your call to the office (466-4831, Ext. 6100) by 9:30 a.m. to report an absence due to illness would be greatly appreciated. Because the state requires a written excuse for all absences, please send a note with your child upon his/her return to school.